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Can someone say Power Ranges? well it looks like some of the Designers from ROBODEX 2002 have been watching to much of it! Watch.Impress have post their coverage of ROBODEX 2002 and the bad boy above is called Promet HRP-2 and he can talk! Here's a quick translation as the sites in Japanese.

The economic industrial ministry has executed the HRP-2, the human type robot which was developed " research and development of the human cooperation * coexistence type robot system " (the HRP:Humanoid Robotics Project) as link. Those where the same project designates that possibility of the human type robot which works is presented as prime object, from '98 year is advanced in 5 year plan. In 2003 the schedule where the final research result is announced.

Promet HRP-2

ROBODEX 2002 MPEG-1 Movies and Coverage