Neptor KB300BF-WH Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard Review

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HiTech Legion tried the Neptor KB300BF-WH Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard

A quote from the article:
Bees have an intricate dance hardwired into their brains to share the location of food. Elephants can communicate over miles through extremely low frequencies which are below the human threshold for hearing. Dolphins, whales and bats use echolocation to survey the area around them and find food. There are many forms of communication in this world and each species has their own methods. The written word is one of the few things that really separates man from animals. No other species on this planet has the ability to record learned information so that it can be copied and redistributed, keeping its same meaning for centuries to come.

We live at a time in history where, for the first time, the average person in our country can call someone on the other side of the world on a whim at any time of day. Cell phones allow not only our verbal communications to flourish but, with mobile internet and text messaging, we can do pictures, videos, or even write a book while we're traveling. Heck, I've even used a program called AIDE to use my phone to write an app for my phone. You'd think that would be really clumsy with a touch screen phone, and normally you'd be right, but this time you're wrong, because I had a physical keyboard.
 Neptor KB300BF-WH Foldable Bluetooth Keyboard Review @ HiTech Legion