GNOME 2.29.4 released

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GNOME 2.29.4 has been released

And here comes 2.29.4, just in time for the holiday season. It's a few hours late, but there were several build issues this time. But if you take all the right tarballs, this should now be okay :-) And you'll enjoy some cool stuff, like an updated nautilus with its changed focus (see discussion on nautilus-list), or various modules like gnome-control-center with tons of bug fixes. You can also take a look at gnome-keyring which has changed quite a bit internally... There are definitely many changes in there, so it's a good time to do some deep testing!

You all know what you have to do now. Go download it. Go compile it. Go test it. And go hack on it, document it, translate it, fix it.

>> GNOME 2.29.4 released