Building and 3d printing a Nixie FunKlock

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LanOC Reviews published a review on the Building and 3d printing a Nixie FunKlock

A quote from the article:
A few years ago when I first replaced my desk I wanted to add a clock to the office to keep track of time better. I didn't want something normal and went with a retro looking flip clock. The flip design was something I always liked but the model that I picked up didn't fit well under my monitors and later the noise from the motor, not the actual flip started to drive me crazy. After that, I kept looking for something to replace it with but never found what I was looking for. Then about 6 months ago I came across Nixie tube clocks and fell in love. The prices though were just too much. I decided to build my own using a kit I found online and printing the outside components. The hardware came in during the Intel launch and this past weekend I set aside the time to start working it.
 Building and 3d printing a Nixie FunKlock @ LanOC Reviews