BIOS Guide Revision 8.0 Interim Release 8 @ Rojak-Pot

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Just got word that Adrian has updated his premier BIOS optimization guide to 8.0 Interim Release 8! Here's some of the updates.

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This interim release features 12 new BIOS options. Here is the list :-

SDRAM Bank-to-Bank Delay SDRAM ECC Setting SDRAM Row Cycle Time SDRAM Tras Timing Value SDRAM Trc Timing Value SDRAM Trcd Timing Value SDRAM Trp Timing Value SDRAM Trrd Timing Value Shadowing Address Ranges Slave Drive PIO Mode Slave Drive UltraDMA System BIOS Cacheable Typematic Rate Typematic Rate Delay Typematic Rate Setting

This list will be updated as sections of the new BOG 8.0 are released.

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BIOS Guide Revision 8.0 Interim Release 8 @ Rojak-Pot