Anti-Drunk Pill Will Sober You Up In Seconds

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No more hangovers! Ever!

Who has ever had to pick up a tipsy friend and listen to them talk about their ex the whole ride home? Who has ever had that same drunk friend puke in the back of your car while on the ride home? We have all been involved in this scenario at one point in our lives, and the day after is the worst part.

But wait. What if you could pop a pill and in a few minutes realize that it is in fact not OK to call your ex from Freshman year? This can happen, there is hope for you.

This doesn't have to be you. Photo: Unknown

They are called, "biomimetic enzyme nanocomplexes." Try saying that while doing a keg stand. We will call them nanocapules, because that sounds cool. Anyway, this magic has been created by smart Asians, UCLA bimolecular engineer Yunfeng Lu and USC biochemist Cheng Ji. Theses enzymes work much like the enzymes you already have that break down the alcohol in your blood, only these do it much quicker.

So far this pill has only been tested in intoxicated mice (what I would have given to see that), but researcher say that within minutes, the litter critters were acting sane and the blood alcohol level had dramatically been reduced. Some one should get these to Lindsey Lohan, STAT.

To read more about this amazing breakthrough visit this more scientific website: