These's Deal are only for today and for people in the uk.I know it's cheaper else where but hey we like being screwed in the uk!! LOL
Abit KR7A (Via KT266A) Mobo £105.16 inc VAT
Abit KR7A-RAID - ATA 133 (Via KT266A) Mobo £128.08 inc VAT
Abit KG7 (AMD 761) Mobo £93.41 inc VAT
2000+ Athlon XP (1.67 Ghz) 266 FSB CPU + Coolermaster HCC002 Heatsink/Fan £287.88 inc Vat
Intel Pentium 4 2.2Ghz CPU + Pentium 4 Heatsink/Fan £539.33 inc Vat
120GB "Vancouver" 120GXP IBM HDD ATA-100 - 8.5ms access - 4MB cache - 7200rpm Sustained data transfer rates - 40 MB/sec £245.58 inc VAT
Abit Geforce 3 64Mb Ti200 VGA DVI/TV £149.22 inc VAT
You can found these's deals@ want to do a Deal of the day for your region let me know.