Warp2Search Newsletter Finally Goes Live!

Published by [NT] 0

Yes, it s true. The first is out.
Why it took so long?
We had some problems with the system and so I needed to sort that out before we could start. But now everything is well. What can you expect from the newsletter? Read More...

The Hack Explained...

Published by [PM] 0

Well folks I think it's time to get this I got hacked by the pop-up story out of discussion once and for all. Many of you emailed us and also complained at TechTV that they got hacked. That is not the case! The infamous pop-up uses a cheap trick: Your harddrive content is displayed via a simple html frame. Hit read more to see how it works...

Warp2Search User Login Fixed!

Published by [NT] 1

Ok, in the last weeks I received tons of emails from users, who told me, that they can't login on Warp2Search.
This problem is now fixed. I tried it with several logins and passwords and I had no problems anymore with the login.
Please try again and let me know if it works or not.

Router Problems...

Published by [PM] 0

You surely have noticed that the site is slow and temporarily unavailable. This is due to a serious router error but the tech guys are already on it. Sorry for the inconvienience...

Newsposter Needed @ Planet-XP.de!

Published by [NT] 0

There are still open positions at the german branch of Warp2Search.
We are looking for some comitted people who have basic html experience, natural appeal to PC-Hardware, Software... news.
It would be nice if you have some english experience to transfer some of the english news to the german site. If you´re interested drop me a line here or contact me via ICQ #123841946.

Site Maintenance...

Published by [NT] 3

What a night... I think everybody noticed that Warp2Search wasn´t available during the last hours.
Reason: I tried to update the site and our database but it didn´t work the way Iplanned. I had tested it several times on my local webserver and it worked perfect for me, but there is one guy...Murphy! Murphy's Law. So I had to upload the backup again, kill the database and I had to reinstall the database. That was not nice! ;-)
But now everything should be running fine.
If you find any kind of error, especially MySql error messages please let me know.
Thank You.
Greetings Degger*

Server Down

Published by [NT] 0

Dear Visitors, our site will be down till 24:00 - 7:00 ECT+1 time because we get new and fast bandwith lines.
So stay tuned!

Warp gets down for a few minutes

Published by [NT] 0

Our whole network will be down for a couple of minutes next friday, cause than we will get a better connection for our servers. This will be in the European ECT+1 time in the evening. Thank you for your patience,
Michiel Beenen & Alan de Klein
Techconnect Team

Printable Reviews!

Published by [NT] 1

You asked for it, I made it for you.
I received several emails and I noticed some comments that our reviews are not printable.
Now I´ve added a function so that you can print the complete review. Have fun.

Downloads Up!

Published by [NT] 0

Hi everybody,
I have uploaded our downloads to the new file server and all links in our download archive are changed.
Please report broken links in this topic in our forum. Thank you and stay tuned!

1000 Registered Users!

Published by [NT] 7

A few days ago we hit the 2.000.000 Visitors mark, and now we want to to say hello to our 1000 registered user!
Welcome on board:
Kevnco9! Wow, 1000 users registered without any need to do so.
Thank you and stay tuned!

Warp2Search Unreal Tournament & Quake3 Games Server!!!

Published by NewsFactory 6

well further to my post on January 03 2002 as follows.

I was just thinking about seeing if I can get a free games server for Warp2Search! And maybe setting up a W2S clan. :D

well after trying a few companies and a few people I know, I've had no luck in getting a games server for warp2search. so if anyone can help in getting a games for warp2search that would be much appreciated

The final option is to set-up a Tournament were you can entry your names into heats that are run every Saturday .well that depends on how many people want to play so post your comments as to what to do? the place will be Barrysworld.com were I can book space on a Games server each week for 2 hours .

Downloads Down...

Published by [NT] 2

We had to cancel all our downloads at the moment because we're putting them on a new fileserver. That will take a bit of time to change our complete download archive and I have to upload about 800 MB with 128 kb upstream.
That will take a while ;-) Stay tuned, I hope our download archive will run completely tomorow. In the meantime you can check out if your download is working already. Greetings

2.000.000 Visitors

Published by [NT] 9

Just quick note:
Wanted to let you know that we have hit the 2.000.000 Visitors mark since we started on 12 Juni 2001.
I want to thank all our Newsposters ( you can see them all in About us) for your great job you´re doing every day.
Applause for these guys!! Thank You and Stay Tuned! Degger*

Max is Back!

Published by NewsFactory 0

Just to let everyone know that MaxReboot is back and they have Fixed their IP problems


Hi Lady's and Gentleman.. I'm You´re NEW NewsPoster!!

Published by [NT] 8

Hi there, I am SUPR3M3, the guys over @ Warp2Search asked me to join their team and here i am!! Little bit about myself.. i'm from Holland, Eindhoven, i'm 19 and i'm a collegeguy!
I'll provide you the the latest news and stuff.

Deal Of The Day!

Published by NewsFactory 1

These's Deal are only for today and for people in the uk.I know it's cheaper else where but hey we like being screwed in the uk!! LOL

Abit KR7A (Via KT266A) Mobo £105.16 inc VAT
Abit KR7A-RAID - ATA 133 (Via KT266A) Mobo £128.08 inc VAT
Abit KG7 (AMD 761) Mobo £93.41 inc VAT
2000+ Athlon XP (1.67 Ghz) 266 FSB CPU + Coolermaster HCC002 Heatsink/Fan £287.88 inc Vat
Intel Pentium 4 2.2Ghz CPU + Pentium 4 Heatsink/Fan £539.33 inc Vat
120GB "Vancouver" 120GXP IBM HDD ATA-100 - 8.5ms access - 4MB cache - 7200rpm Sustained data transfer rates - 40 MB/sec £245.58 inc VAT
Abit Geforce 3 64Mb Ti200 VGA DVI/TV £149.22 inc VAT

You can found these's deals@ scan.co.uk
If want to do a Deal of the day for your region let me know.

Friends In Trouble!

Published by [NT] 1

I received some mail from people which reporting that our partnersite MaxReboot is unavailable @ the moment.
For me it looks like they have a bit trouble with their domain but they found a workaround. http://www.realgn.com/~reboot/index.php Try this URL in the meantime ;-)

Prolink PixelView GeForce4 MX Cards story Pulled!

Published by NewsFactory 2

Just got an email from Prolink Microsystems Corporation Taiwan and they have asked me to pulled the Prolink PixelView GeForce4 MX Cards story, so out of respect to Prolink Microsystems I am pulling the story.

The reason they ask me is that the final spec's for their GeForce4 cards and box designs have not yet been finalized and they may change , but I've been promised that as soon as there released. we will have the spec's and box shots first!! Nice

Your Tools on Warp2Search !

Published by [NT] 3

You have created a very good tool but nobody knows about it ?
You want to present this tool to the public? Warp2Search can help you! Read More