Tokyo Gameshow Gives Next-Gen to the People

Published by Newsfactory 1

This year?s Tokyo Game Show will be the true unveiling of the next-gen consoles. Both the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 will be open to the public and fully playable. Though, which games exactly will be available on the new consoles is still up in the air.


Xbox 360 Launch Lineup?

Published by Newsfactory 0

North American retailer Electronics Boutique, which expects Microsoft to ship the Xbox 360 as early as November 2, 2005 for an MSRP of $299.99, has comprised a complete, albeit questionable, list of X360 games for the console launch, IGN learned today from several EB outlets.

The Hidden Boot Code of the Xbox

Published by Newsfactory 0

Three bugs in 512 bytes of code? You wonder why so much is possible on the Xbox that Microsoft did not want? Or why Windows has so many security holes? Read about The Hidden Boot Code of the Xbox to find out how Microsoft managed to fit three bugs in only 512 bytes of security code!

Xbox 360: New Pictures & Side by Side Comparison

Published by Newsfactory 0

The Xbox 360 made an unexpected appearance at GameCon 7, Ireland biggest gaming event. New pictures of the Xbox 360 and the controller plus side by side shots of the Xbox 360, the Xbox and their respective controllers.


Xbox 360 FAQs

Published by Newsfactory 0

You've got questions and we have the answers. Here is the first version of the Xbox 360 FAQ. Have another Xbox 360 question that we haven?t answered here? Email and we?ll continually update our Xbox 360 FAQs as additional information becomes available. Enjoy!


PSP on Xbox 360

Published by Newsfactory 0

I finally got an xbox360 dev kit today, and was able to see how well it interacts with the PSP. It worked great - I was able to listen to mp3s right off the PSP through the Xbox360 Music Player, and view images from the PSP at full screen.

Xbox 360 pictured, does a million polygons

Published by Newsfactory 0

The Inquirer managed to grab some additional information about the upcoming Xbox 360 console. Only the whole part of the picture is actually XboX 360 and one of the guys guarding it informed us that this unit is what we could call the latest developer kit. ATI did its own Rubi demo and was rendering that demo on 720P resolution.

CELL Microprocessor III

Published by Newsfactory 0

In the months since our second article on the CELL processor was published, the STI consortium has released new information on the microarchitecture and programming model of the CELL processor.

PSP to control PS3

Published by Newsfactory 0

New details regarding the capabilities of PS3 have emerged and it seems that instead of playing with PS3 through a pad, you can use your PSP instead.


Nintendo Revolution in Someone?s Home

Published by Newsfactory 0

Someone?s posted pictures of what?s supposed to be the Nintendo Revolution sitting on a desk at someone?s house. While I?m totally open to the idea of this being yet another fake, I kind of think it might be real. Though, I seem to recall hearing at E3 that the Revolution prototype was basically an empty box.


Xbox 360 Price Leaked Claim

Published by Newsfactory 1

According to unconfirmed leaks from employees of the ubiquitous American retail giant Wal-Mart, the Xbox 360 is to go to retail at a price of $299.99 which is around what has been expected.

The Inquirer

Mystery Nintendo Revolution Picture

Published by Newsfactory 0

A mysterious Nintendo image has popped up on the net. While I?m betting there?s at least a 90 percent chance it?s yet another fake, the claim is that it?s some sort of peripheral for the Nintendo Revolution.


PS3 Secrets Revealed

Published by Newsfactory 0

Playstation Magazine claims to have an inside source on some interesting new Playstation 3 tidbits. In the September issue of the magazine, an article will reveal that the PS3 will no longer use memory cards or support PSOne or PS2 peripherals. Here?s a list of the other rumors:


Xbox 360 QWERTY Keyboard Revealed

Published by Newsfactory 0

Leaked slides of what looks like a Spanish presentation of the Xbox 360 have revealed a first-party QWERTY keypad for the Xbox 360 controller. Plus, find out more info on the VGA cable and resolutions, the Xbox camera and some other goodies.


Top 10 PSP Hacks

Published by Newsfactory 1

Hacking hasn't been this easy since the axe was invented. Many Websites exist that offer hacks, mods and plain old cool tricks so you can get the most out of your PSP the easy way.

Toms Hardware Guide