Wise Driver Care 2.2.1102.1008

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Wise Driver Care can update and backup your drivers as well as identify your hardware and repair some common driver related issues. Video walkthrough available.

Wise Driver Care can update and backup your drivers as well as identify your hardware and repair some common driver related issues. Video walkthrough available.On startup, Wise Driver Care will present you with a simple Checkup button. Clicking Checkup will quickly scan your computer and give you a report including up to date drivers, out of date drivers, and driver residue that can be deleted. Drivers that are updated will appear individually with the options of Backup, restore, uninstall, ignore, force install, open folder, and delete the file. Cleaning the driver residue will clean without prompt or telling you what it's deleting, but we found no problems with it.You can also go to the Rescue Center at any time and backup or restore and drivers that were installed by Wise Driver Care.[youtube=zseSRmo5gZQ[Hardware detection shows you what hardware has been detected which is handy if something is detected incorrectly, you can avoid installing the wrong driver. You can export your hardware information to a text file.The Toolkit will allow you to fix common device issues including network failure and no sound problems.Settings and options allow you to customize just about anything you like.Wise Driver Care enters a crowded space of excellent driver updaters. Some are simple and some are for more advanced users. Wise Driver Care makes updating your drivers a simple and pleasant experience.