Windows Internals Book Tools 7th Edition

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Windows Internals Book Tools uses many tools to demonstrate various features of the Windows operating system.

Windows Internals Book Tools uses many tools to demonstrate various features of the Windows operating system.Most are from Sysinternals and are built-in tools. Some tools were written by Alex Ionescu and Pavel Yosifovich and used in the book and will be published with the full source code.This is a work in progress, hopefully, by the time the book is out, all tools will be in this repository.Please note that these tools were NOT written by or endorsed by Microsoft. They are provided "as is" without any warranties or guarantees. Use at your own risk!While you can use these tools at your own risk, it's best to purchase Windows Internals Book Tools from Microsoft. The e-book version is about $39.99.Windows Internals Book Tools comes in 32-bit and 64-bit versions. We've included both in the download.