SpyKiller 2005

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SpyKiller will remove the SpyWare, AdWare, KeyLoggers, Browser Hijackers, and MalWare on your computer without harming the operation of the host application that you downloaded.

SpyKiller search and destroy all hidden SpyWare, AdWare, Key Loggers, Browser Hijackers and MalWare programs on your computer! SpyKiller 2004 will protect your valuable identity, decrease PopUps, stabilize your computer, and virtually eliminate SPAM to your email box!

How did my computer get SpyWare/AdWare?
There are three main ways SpyWare get on your computer:
- Free programs you downloaded are bundled with SpyWare in the install. This is common in the P2P file-sharing arena. Kazaa, iMesh, Grokster, and so on practice this method.
- Many SpyWare parasites load using Internet Explorer's ActiveX installation option. This allows evil websites to automatically install SpyWare on your machine the moment you visit their website without your knowledge.
- By exploiting bugs in Internet Explorer and Windows some evil websites load dozens of SpyWare parasites on your machine without your knowledge.

Download: SpyKiller 2005