Spirit Driver V1.4.1b (Catalyst 4.9 beta based)

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Just got word that Radeonthetop has posted a new version of the Sprit Driver V1.4.1b based on the Catalyst 4.9 beta.

What's New?

After The Spirit Driver V1.4b which have lots of bugs for french users (?), here is the Spirit Driver V1.4.1b with bugs issues and without any tools, only sotmods. changelog : - All Tools and tweakers are removed from the archive

Special Doom 3 Optimization Mobility/FireGL-Support mobility/FireGL Optimizations Bugs issues (Doom3 , IL2 Forgotten,Lock on , Tomb raider taod , ground control...) Optimization for Lock On (only for R3XX/R4XX )

Download Spirit driver V1.4.1b