PlayStation 2 Disc Read Errors

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Ars Technica have thrown up their new guide dealing with PlayStation 2 disc read errors! Here's a snip.

Ever gotten those annoying Disc Read Error messages on your Playstation 2? If you have, I'll be the first time you saw one was on the 31st day you've had it, after the Sony 30-day warranty expired. If you're real lucky, your PS2 might last two or even three years; eventually this error will hunt down your PS2 and settle down there. If it only affects you some of the time ? you might be able to play some DVD movies, but your favorite one never loads, or you can only play PSone games and not silver-colored PS2 games

then chances are it's not a serious error and only requires minor adjustments to your PS2. Since it is out of warranty, there's little risk in opening it up and trying to fix it yourself before paying to send it back to Sony's repair center. The following guide shows you how to get the PS2 open, clean it out, make your adjustments, and put it back together without any hassles.

PlayStation 2 Disc Read Errors