OSX Emulator PearPC 0.1.1

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The free, open-source software allows Intel- and AMD-based PCs to run several operating systems compatible with the PowerPC, including Mandrake Linux, BSD, Darwin and, most importantly, Apple's Mac OS X.

What's New?

(Win32) fixed: '=' key wasn't mapped fixed: "JITC Error: cannot read page-table" fixes for older BootX (for Mac OS X 10.0 and 10.1) FPU: fixed fmaddx and friends (That means your Finder will no longer crash-loop) gcard: 1024x768x32 mode wasn't useable io registers weren't zero extended on byte or half accesses (aka "[IO/IDE] command 'ffffffa1' not impl") compiles now also with gcc 2.95 boots debian for PowerPC

PearPC 0.1.1