OpenSUSE Leap 42.2 Gnome - Better but not really

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Dedoimedo posted OpenSUSE Leap 42.2 Gnome - Better but not really

A quote from the article:
Back in 1984, Van Halen sang: Leap. Wait. Was it Jump? Ah, so we have this long, thorough review of openSUSE Leap 42.2 64-bit Gnome edition, tested on a laptop with UEFI, GPT, 16 partitions, and a multi-boot setup with Windows 10 and several Linux distros, covering desktop environment setup, customization and tweaks including new themes, icons, extensions, and programs, networking, smartphone support - Ubuntu Phone and iPhone, multimedia support and associated problems with broken H.264 dependencies, battery usage, resource utilization, performance, responsiveness, stability, hardware compatibility - Bluetooth, webcam, suspend & resume, weird issues, comparison to Plasma, various bugs, and more. Enjoy.
 OpenSUSE Leap 42.2 Gnome - Better but not really @ Dedoimedo