Neowin host NeotweakXP

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Neowin host NeotweakXP. Its similar application (built on .NET Framework )to magic tweak or CustomizerXP.. but unlike both of them its free. Its still in beta phase and there are still lot of tweaks to be added/loaded in the application ; but its worth a install. Snip from
"We are proud to announce that Neowin is hosting the NeoTweak XP software and support forums as from today. While we endorse this program we do not decide on releases, included content or direction. Visitors of Neowin actively participate in the program and support is offered in the forums (linked below) by the programmer Malcolm Lim. We think its a great program, whats more its free, support and discussion on it can also be found right here on Neowin. " Download the proggy here (181 kb)
NeotweakXP's Homepage