GeForce 4 Ti: Which Version Delivers The Most Bang For Buck?

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This just in from A new guide that will show you which version of Nvidia's Geforce 4 line up will deliver the most bang for buck - or simply put is performing best for the money. Here's a snip:

NV18 and NV28 are imminent, which will add AGP 8X support to GeForce 4 MX and Ti, and of course, the next flagship GPU, NV30 is also headed toward final production. But in the meanwhile, board makers of nVidia-based products have begun to aggressively cut prices in an effort to stimulate demand for the GeForce 4 Ti-based offerings. A recent search on PriceWatch found 128MB Ti 4600 boards for as little as $235, a far cry from the $399 premium nVidia and its board partners could command a short while ago. But with NV30 just around the corner, and a little tsunami named Radeon 9700 soon becoming widely available, boards using GeForce 4 Ti GPUs are going at near fire sale prices.

GeForce 4 Ti: Which Version Delivers The Most Bang For Buck?