DOOM 3 Interview

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HomeLanFed have thrown up their interview with id software's Todd Hollenshead! Here's a byte.

HomeLAN - Now that the game is heading into the home stretch, are you and the rest of id pleased with the way Doom III is coming along?

Todd Hollenshead - I'm very happy with the way the game has turned out. A few months ago, I intentionally stepped away from any play testing so that I could have a more objective look at the game later on and not get "too close" to the development. Playing through areas of the game for the first time in many months, even though I've demo'd those same levels dozens of times, I'm still caught by surprise, move with trepidation, and generally get the shit scared out of me on a regular basis. That's the game we set out to make when we started the project. It's taken a while to get it all done, but it's been worth it.

DOOM 3 Interview