Did Microsoft execs overrule Windows team to put Start button back in Windows 8.1?

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Neowin posted a story that a new rumor claims that not only is the Start button being put back for the release of Windows 8.1, but that Microsoft's upper management made the decision despite objections from the Windows team.

Earlier this week, rumors hit the Internet that Microsoft was at least considering putting back the Start button as a feature for the Windows 8.1 desktop user interface. Now another rumor claims that not only is the Start button coming back, but that there was an internal fight at Microsoft to make that happen.

Paul Thurrott posted word on WinSuperSite.com, via unnamed sources, that the Windows team had objections to restoring the Start button for the first major update to Windows 8. However, it appears that Microsoft's upper management made an executive decision and overruled the Windows team, telling them the Start button is back in the Windows 8.1 desktop UI. The article does not give any specifics on which members of the Microsoft executive team pulled the trigger to put the Start button back in Windows 8.1.

 Did Microsoft execs overrule Windows team to put Start button back in Windows 8.1?