Cooler Master Storm Quick Fire XTi Mechanical Keyboard Review

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APH Networks checked out the Cooler Master Storm Quick Fire XTi Mechanical Keyboard

A quote from the article:
In the summer I went to a lab to get blood work done for my annual checkup. As this was the first time I ever did any kinds of these tests, I made a number of rookie mistakes. I was told if I went in early, I would be able to get out quickly. However, if I did not, I was told to book an appointment. Unfortunately, I ignored both advice, and went right after work without booking an appointment. This left me waited at the Calgary Lab Services for over two and a half hours. When I told my friend about this, she asked me why I did not bring a book. In my mind, I did not expect to wait so long, and it would have required me to bring a book to work. She then said she always prepared for times like this by bringing a book or at least something to do. Playfully, I retorted back by saying she should carry her entire house just in case to be ready for everything. Aside from the joking, I think her point was more about being ready for the unexpected. Now, this is not exactly an easy task, considering it requires a bit of prediction based on experience. If you do not have any experience of waiting at an office before, you probably would not expect to wait for long times. But this is the reason why those with severe allergies carry Epi-Pens, or why some stash some band aids and tissue in their bags. These safeguards ensure we are ready for the unexpected reaction, sneeze, or cut. When we received today's review unit of the Cooler Master Storm Quick Fire XTi, I felt like I was ready for this keyboard. I reviewed the original QuickFire XT over two years ago, and it was a great down-to-earth mechanical keyboard. With this new one bearing almost the exact same name, I can only wonder if this is mostly the same keyboard. Will Cooler Master prove me wrong with some shocking changes and catch me unprepared? Let us read on to find out more!
 Cooler Master Storm Quick Fire XTi Mechanical Keyboard Review @ APH Networks