Clean Windows XP Prefetch Cache Automatically

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Thanks to the guy's at the other batcave WinOScentral for the Info:

I was just answering a question in the forums about Windows prefetch and ran across a nice little VBS script which you can cut and paste into notepad, save it as a .vbs file, then save it to a directory on your computer and then run the "Task Scheduler" wizard and have this file run once a month so you don't have to worry about your prefetch cache getting to large.

This is a pretty cool little script and yes, I have tested it and it works great. I even made a small change to the script since my install of Windows XP is on my "D" drive. I just changed all references to C: to D: (there were only two) saved the file and ran it. Worked Great.

Clean Windows XP Prefetch Cache Automatically