Building Your Own NAS: Silverstone DS380 Chassis Tested, Reviewed

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TechSpot published Building Your Own NAS: Silverstone DS380 Chassis Tested,ed

A quote from the article:
While more common today than ever, network-attached storage (NAS) devices aren't quite mainstream yet. Although Synology and QNAP have become recognized brands with products ranging from $150 to $3,000, the lower end of that bracket will only get you a sluggish single-bay model and if you want four bays or more -- as most of you likely do -- we're talking north of $500. Mind you, that's before installing hard drives.

Naturally, that cash buys a purpose-built box which installs fast, runs quiet, sips power and saves space, at least compared to repurposing an old PC, yet the inner DIYer in us is itching to build a NAS. Going that route seems like an easy way to save some cash considering a small desktop could be used as a four or eight-bay server, and there is plenty to value in the extra flexibility and expansion of a custom setup.
 Building Your Own NAS: Silverstone DS380 Chassis Tested, Reviewed @ Techspot