Bigger Directories 1.2.1

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Bigger Directories lets you use the 32k Unicode character limit for path strings when the Explorer Shell is hampered by the MAX_PATH limitation.

Bigger Directories lets you use the 32k Unicode character limit for path strings when the Explorer Shell is hampered by the MAX_PATH limitation.The interface is mostly self-explanatory by listing the available drives that you can double-click to expand and find the folders you want to work with. You can then add a folder at that location with any name or length.You can move folders up or down, add, make new, delete, clear, run at login or not and a brief help page.Bigger Directories does what it promises. There are scammers out there trying to sell utilities that do that same thing. They've spent a fair amount of time here, and in many places, trying to push their program. Don't bother this is what you're looking for. Straight-forward and to the point.