Caffeine 1.64

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Caffeine is a small tool designed to prevent your PC from locking or going to sleep.

Caffeine is a small tool designed to prevent your PC from locking or going to sleep.It prevents PC sleeping/locking by simulating that you've released the F15 key once every 59 seconds by default. You can easily enable/disable Caffeine as well as setting time periods for activity or inactivity. By double-clicking, the systray icon empties the coffee pot (that's what the icon is) and will temporarily disable the program. Caffeine is a useful tool when the need to keep your PC awake or unlocked arises and using it via the systray is the perfect manner for those that may be a little less experienced but it can be utilized via the command-line which advanced users will appreciate.Since Caffeine operates by default at 59-second intervals you will be able to alter this behavior via command line switches:xx - where xx is a number which sets the number of seconds between simulated keypresses. This must be the first text on the command linestartoff - application starts disabled.exitafter: xx - application will terminate after xx minutesactivefor: xx - application will become inactive after xx minutesinactivefor: xx - application will become active after xx minutesappexit - terminates current running instance of applicationappon - makes the currently running instance of the application activeappoff - makes the currently running instance of the application inactiveapptoggle - toggles the running state of the currently running instance of the applicationapptoggleshowdlg - toggles the running state, and shows dialogreplace - closes the currently running instance, replacing itnoicon - does not show a task tray iconuseshift - simulate the shift key instead of F15showdlg - shows a dialog indicating whether caffeine is activeontaskbar - show a taskbar button (use with -showdlg)allowss - prevent sleep, but allow the screensaver to startkeypress - simulate a full keypress, not just a key up event