Zoom Player v3.20 RC2 - Standard & Professional Versions

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Zoom Player Standard, a flexible feature rich Media Player that for all its features and goodness remains bloat-free. And Zoom Player Professional, which on top of being a great Media Player, incorporates the most powerful DVD Front-End you could imagine (and is even a few features you didn't think of imagining). Click on Read More... to see what's new and download links.

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New Definition File function "SetBalance" allowing you to set the Audio LEFT/RIGHT balance. There's an additional "SaveBalance" function to be used with the "zplayer.zdf" file which instructs Zoom Player as to which values are automatically saved in Definition Files. See "default.df" for more information. New Definition File function "SetEQ" allowing you to set the Equalizer Values. There's an additional "SaveEQ" function to be used with the "zplayer.zdf" file which instructs Zoom Player as to which values are automatically saved in Definition Files. See "default.df" for more information. New Definition File function "SetPreAmp" allowing you to set the PreAmp Values. There's an additional "SavePreAmp" function to be used with the "zplayer.zdf" file which instructs Zoom Player as to which values are automatically saved in Definition Files. See "default.df" for more information. Pressing Play will now set Zoom Player as the front-active application. Zoom Player now supports the Morgan Stream Switcher just in case it is installed and so you can retain Multi-Audio support for media files. However! The current version of the Morgan Stream Switcher breaks support for the Zoom Player Audio Filter (EQ/DSP). So I still don't recommend using it. Fast Forward and Rewind in DVD Mode will now work even if you were previously paused. The options dialog is now more spacious. The keyboard macro for "Source Relative Stretch" has been changed from "H" to Ctrl+"H" to eliminate accidental activation. Exporting the settings would not export any changed settings since the options dialog was opened. The "/R" parameter should now restore the proper resolution on exit when used with a non-primary monitor. Changing the resolution on fullscreen should now work with non-primary monitors. The Play History was not saving the current "Last Played" date. When On Play Complete is set to Play Next File in Directory and the Play Next File in Directory is set to not loop, playback now stops after the last file is played instead of playing the last file over and over again. Preferred DVD Subtitle Language should now work properly. Preferred DVD Audio Language should now work properly.