WinUpdateFix 1.3

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WinUpdateFix is a tool that can fix some problems linked to Windows Update primarily with Windows XP, Vista and 7. It is also written in French so you might want to use WindowsUpdateFixer which is in English and works with Windows 10 and 8.

WinUpdateFix is a tool that can fix some problems linked to Windows Update primarily with Windows XP, Vista and 7. It is also written in French so you might want to use WindowsUpdateFixer which is in English and works with Windows 10 and 8.You can reboot essentials services of Windows Update if they are disabled. You can also restore some parameters, and create a log file to get more information.We have added this mostly as an archive and to help people who might need it with Windows XP, Vista or 7 when other means fail. Luckily, a user took the time to Google and translated everything from French to English.[Systeme][System]OS: Microsoft Windows 7SP: Pas de donnéesSP: No DataArchitecture: 64 bitsSession en cours : CorentinSession : Current[Windows Update]Etat: DémarréState: StartedActif (2)Active (2)Dernière Maj effectuée leLast Shift effectedDate timeActiverActivate[Services]Mises á jour automatiquesAutomatic UpdatesEtat: DémarréState: StartedStatut: AutomatigueStatus: Automatic[Bits]Etat: DémarréState: StartedStatut : AutomatigueStatus: Automatic[Service de cryptographie][Cryptographic Service]Etat: DémarréState: StartedStatut: AutomatigueStatus: Automatic[Actions]Effacer le cataloque des mises á jourClear the catalog updatesRéinscrire les DllRegester the DLLsVider le dossier Software DistributionEmpty the Software Distribution folder Réínitialíser les paramétres WinsockReset Winsock Settings Supprimer les fichiers temporairesDelete temporary filesReinitialiser les descripteurs de securiteReset security descriptorsSupprimer le proxyRemove proxyRestaurer les policiesRestore policiesEffacer la file d'attente BITSClear the BITS queue[Sélection][Selection]Tous AucunAll NoExécuterExecute[Diagnostic]Créer un rapport dediagnosticCreate a diagnostic report