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WinPosition provides a simple means for managing and organizing the location of different windows on your machine.

WinPosition provides a simple means for managing and organizing the location of different windows on your machine.This utility will work well with high resolution (4K+) screens where the need to maximize your windows to be effective is not required. It efficiently pairs with Remote Manager to allow you to easily manage PuTTY windows if you need to be logged into multiple SSH hosts simultaneously.Once you have launched WinPosition it will embed itself to the systray, from there you are provided with a few default location options, but you can customize them to suit your needs with as many different settings to the configuration as desired. Managing the different layouts is as easy, just select the Layout Config option from the menu after right-clicking on the icon in your system tray. Within the WinPosition Layout Configuration window, you will see the buttons to the left of the window, and the layout configurations in the center. To add a new layout position, select which button you'd like to add it to, click the Add button, specify the dimensions and hit the OK button. When satisfied, make sure that you hit the Save Layout button. You also can export your custom layout, and layouts can be imported which is useful for saving a backup of your favorite layout.