Warp2Search Announcing : Readers News

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Dear Visitors and especially News Submitters,

We are happy to announce that we have included a new feature on Warp2Search which is called "User News Channel"
What does that mean: In the past we received a lot news submissions which we could not post on this website because of the heavy amount of news submissions and we had to select the most imporant ones.
A lot of users where dissapointed why their news were not published and with the new news-channel we are able to post all news which are submitted and important.

In the main menu and in the top of the site, there is a new option: Reader News, marked with a double head icon. The most important news will be published as always on the mainsite of Warp2Search. I hope you will enjoy this new feature and that you will submit many news which are important for you and you would like to share with the readers of Warp2Search.