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Wannakey can help remove the WannaCry infection on Windows XP computers assuming they have not been rebooted since infected.

Wannakey can help remove the WannaCry infection on Windows XP computers assuming they have not been rebooted since infected.Wannakey accomplishes this by recovering the prime numbers of the RSA private key that are used by Wannacry.It does so by searching for the keys in the wcry.exe process. This is the process that generates the RSA private key. The main issue is that the CryptDestroyKey and CryptReleaseContext does not erase the prime numbers from memory before freeing the associated memory, which is why, if you rebooted, it's too late for this tool.We almost didn't add this because we don't have Windows XP, not the WannaCry infection. Because there are numerous computers out there running XP in a business environment, we know this will help a handful of people. If you have Windows XP and have not rebooted, this can bail you out. It If you need to patch any operating system Here Are Links to All the Microsoft WannaCrypt Hotfix Patches.Wannakey is a coin flip for XP users who might be infected. If you're lucky enough to have not rebooted or cleared the memory, this can make you the hero in your company.