VolumeMgr 0.3

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VolumeMgr brings a graphical user interface (GUI) using Windows volume API so you can easily list, mount, and unmount volumes.

VolumeMgr brings a graphical user interface (GUI) using Windows volume API so you can easily list, mount, and unmount volumes.Volumes are simply labels assigned to a volume, usually by Windows, to make it easier to recognize. A volume can have a label, a drive letter, both, or neither. While advanced users can access the SetVolumeLabel function, this makes it simpler by adding a GUI. It should be considered a tool for advanced users.VolumeMgr comes as in ZIP format with 32-Bit and 64-Bit versions. To work properly, extract both and right-click on either volumesX32.exe or volumesX64.exe and Run as Administrator.Let's discuss the volumes, or drives, you might see for informational purposes. You will be provided with all of your volume information including Volume, PathName, DiskNumber, PartitionNumber, and Dos Device. It helps if you're familiar with the volumes, or drives, assigned to your computer. If all you see on Explorer, for example, is your C and D drives, you might get many more volumes, as seen in the second screenshot below. As you can see we have:C:D:BlankF:G:H:I:C is our primary drive, D is our backup and second hard drive, and a blank drive can be confusing because, after all, you have to guess in some cases. The blank partition is the recovery partition, but it could also be our system partition. That leaves four other drives. Those are most likely our card readers that many of us have on our computers to read memory cards.In reality, we know what each one of those volumes is. We walked through what we saw as an example of how you need to be sure of what each volume, or drive, is. Modifying drives you aren't sure of could cause problems with restoring or booting, so if you're not familiar with your drive volumes, do your research first.If you're confident proceeding, usage is straightforward. Right click on any volume, and you can Unmount, Mount (Auto assign a letter), Mount (Specify path), Remove DosDevice, Copy VolumeName, Get Volume Information, Refresh, and Get non-volume drives. Advanced users can use Get Volume Information to help identify a volume they aren't sure of.Anyone who needs to make volume changes to their drive letters or volumes will appreciate VolumeMgr. It's small, free, portable, and easy to use. No help is included, so, once again, this is for advanced users.