Vampire: TM Bloodlines To Use Half-Life 2 Source Engine

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Now that's a little surprise for all action RPG fans out there. Remember Vampire: The Masquerade back from 2000? Well than be prepared for Bloodlines the sequel. Bloodlines changes the player view to first person while maintaining a certain RPG style not further commented. The upcoming role playing game is in development at Troika for about 18 months now and it will be shown at E3 (where else) by publisher Activision this week. Here is a snip from Gamespot:Plans for Bloodlines had to be kept under wraps until now to wait for Valve to release all the recent details on its upcoming game, because many of Bloodlines' technical strengths are drawn directly from the engine. Troika is taking full advantage of Half-Life 2's advanced character animation system, dynamic AI, and its robust scripting tools. Boyarsky confessed that there will be some major world-changing scripted events later in the game, as well as many cool sequences along the way.