Unreal 2003 Demo Screenshots & Mods!

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xTechNET and the folks over at irc.BetasOnline.com #betas have ALSO created screenshots of Unreal Tournament 2003 Demo

Click Read More to find out how to hack UT2.ini!

Unreal 2003 Demo Screenshots

Here is the editing that can be done. UT2k3 Starts up in standard 800x600 with Normal Quality. If you edit the right variables in UT2.ini you will be able to make them higher and make the game look nicer. FullscreenViewportX=800
FullscreenViewportY=600 This Variable is your Resolution. Change the Numbers to what you would like. 1024 x 768 or 1280 x 1024. Even higher if you want. TextureDetailInterface=Normal
TextureDetailLightmap=Normal These are your Detail Settings. The Can be changed from Ultra Low Very Low Low Medium High Very High Ultra High Set them to your likeing. You can edit more variables in the UT2.ini for more changes. Enjoy.