Recent File Seeker

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Recent File Seeker is a tool created to search for files using special filters like the creation date and the file extension. The results are compatible with UVK.

Recent File Seeker is a tool created to search for files using special filters like the creation date and the file extension. The results are compatible with UVK.RFS supports a very dynamic search pattern. You can set up several keywords, and use wildcards, like * (asterisk) or ? (question mark).Separate several keywords with a | (vertical bar). RFS will try to match the keywords with the file name, including the file extension.If a match is found, the selected information about the file will be written to the log.You can filter your research by file age, too. Just set the desired max file age in the Max age (days) input box, or use the associated up/down control to increase/decrease the displayed number. The max file age filter is defined in days. For instance if you set it to 20, only files created, modified or accessed, depending on the selected timestamp base will be matched.