1.1 RC deutsch

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Ein deutscher Release Candidate der Version 1.1 des kostenlosen OpenSource-Office-Pakets "" ist erschienen.

* a "talkback" style crash reporter to collect stacktrace and error information
* new command line parameter -start to automatically start a presentation after the document is loaded
* ability to update existing 1.0.x single user installations
* support for drawing objects in headers and footers
* an example XSLT filter for Office 2003 XML format
* support for MS Excel 95 and older form controls
* UNO python bridge - python is now a first class language for creating UNO components for
* built in spell checking dictionaries for English (UK) and Italian
* built in hyphenation support for Danish, English (UK), German and Russian
integrated Bitstream Vera fonts
* improved spelling suggestions using n-gram scoring

Download: 1.1 RC deutsch für Windows