OmegaDrivers News

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Hi everyone, I just want to say a few words, this is going to be long, so please excuse me...

First of all, sorry for my absence.

Second, I don't know if u have noticed, but the modded driver community has become a joke, there are so many wannabe's trying so hard to become someone around the world, and unfortunately, for them, this has become competition to get the "best driver set" out, well, let me clue them in, they are just making things worse, in fact, they are damaging the community as a whole, why?, people that don't know ANYTHING about what a video driver is and want to keep their PC up to date are getting confused, there are so many driver options that the only posts you see in forums are "Which drivers are better?" or "Which driver should I use?", with the following responses of over 10 different driver sets, which of course, doesn't help at all.

For the Rest Warp2 ....