MultiObfuscator 1.00

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MultiObfuscator is a professional cryptography tool with unique layers of security and obfuscation, portable/stealth software and completely free.

MultiObfuscator is a professional cryptography tool
HW seeded random number generator (CSPRNG)
Deniable cryptography
Up to 256Mb of secret file (binary mode)
Up to 256Kb of secret text (text/email mode)
Whitening selection level
Modern multi-cryptography (16 algorithms)
Multi-layered data obfuscation (4 passwords)
X-square steganalysis resistance

Unique layers of security and obfuscation
256bit+256bit symmetric-key cryptography with KDF4 password extension
256bit symmetric-key data scrambling (CSPRNG-based shuffling)
256bit symmetric-key data whitening (CSPRNG-based noise mixing)
Adaptive X-square correction

MultiObfuscator is a portable/stealth software
Native portable structure (no installation, registry keys, .ini files)
Runs in user mode with DEP on

MultiObfuscator is freeware!
Fully redistributable
OpenSource core crypto-library (libObfuscate)