Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Beta Program

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Microsoft is now accepting nominations for the Microsoft Virtual Server 2005 Beta Program.

Register and see how Virtual Server 2005 can help your organization increase hardware efficiency and improve administrator productivity in software test and development, application migration, and server consolidation scenarios. Virtual Server 2005 is a highly cost-effective virtual machine solution designed for Windows Server 2003 to increase operational efficiency. It also represents a key deliverable on the Dynamic Systems Initiative (DSI) roadmap.

In later half of February this year, Microsoft Corp. released the first beta for its Virtual Server 2004 to a select group of customers.

To Join the Virtual Server Beta Program
1. Go to the BetaPlace Web site.
2. Sign in using a Microsoft .NET Passport account.
3. In the Guest ID box, type vspreview or vscp, and then click OK.
4. Click the Microsoft Virtual Server Beta link.
5. In the left pane of this page, expand the Survey option and click VS Customer Preview Nomination.
6. Complete and submit the nomination form.

Beta participants of the earlier versions are likely to have access to this beta program as well.

View: Details about MS Virtual Server 2005 Beta Program