Intel 850 And AMD 762 PCR Files Posted!

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Mods4ME: I've been digging into a LOT of white papers this past week and I've written register tweaking files for Intels 850 Rambus chipset and AMD's 762 which is used in their SMP boards. I'll be working on a detailed guide to the 762 this weekend but I thought I'd give some of the die hard tweakers a head start and provide them with the file since some people just need the PCR and don't need me to hold their hand while they tweak away.

Intel 850 and AMD 762 PCR files posted @ Mods4Me

PS: If any of you have any good contacts in SIS or Ali or if you work for for them! I'd REALLY appreciate a hookup so I can get some white papers from them to do some thigns with their chipsets.