Gnutella and BitTorrent client For Your Phone?

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I?ve been a Symbian S60 user for some time now and I?m aware of its capabilities of adding functionality by installing new programs, but every time it amazes me what they?ve managed to add. Take for example the much awaited (for S60 3rd edition at least) Symella and Symtorrent applications.

Symella is a basic Gnutella client for mobile devices based on the S60 platform. The name comes from SYMbian and gnutELLA. (Gnutella is a file sharing network used primarily to exchange files.) Symella is capable of searching and downloading, in its current release it?s not capable of uploading any data. It supports multi-threaded downloads which means that if multiple users have a particular file then Symella can download the file from several locations simultaneously. I tried this app yesterday on a Nokia N93 and it worked flawlessly, very impressive.

I was able to download two songs using my WIFI connection at home. Right now it is only supported for Symbian 3rd edition, but the developers did say that if the demand is high enough, they would create a new version for S60 2nd phones as well. Previous versions contain several bugs, and therefore they are not supported.