GetRight 5.1 Beta 1

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Juomaru told us: Quote: The First beta for GetRight 5.1 is here! There are some very nice new features and enhancements. A pretty complete list is below. But what you're really looking for...where to download it!

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The Big Improvement: Secure Server transfers....HTTPS! This is a registered-only feature, and the main big change in 5.1. Medium: Added so the download windows are resizeable. Makes the report much easier to see everything at once. Fixed something that could cause "stuck at 99%" problems for some FTP servers. Added "File Types" to the folders on the download you can more easily have things like .MP3 automatically filed. Change some options for the Server Synchronizer to give more control: sizes separate from dates, overwrite/resume separate, option to put everything into the same folder, etc. Improved the "Log Into Website" functions to better handle websites with several forms on one page (like a login and a search form). Should now pick out the one real Login form. Fix/change some things that seemed to cause rare crashes for a few people. Get more informations and download over GetRight