Func KB-460 Cherry MX Backlit Gaming Keyboard Review

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HiTech Legion tried the Func KB-460 Cherry MX Backlit Gaming Keyboard

A quote from the article:
One of the great advantages of tech forums is that we get to learn from other’s mistakes. If you are questioning the sense of doing something and/or the safety of your components as a result, just Google it. Someone has tried it. They will either be reveling in the fact that it worked, or complaining that it caused their system to catch fire, burn down the apartment building they lived in and left them homeless to post from the local Starbucks. No matter how outlandish your idea may be, someone has tried it. If it is a mistake, don’t do it. If it works, go for it….provided more than one person has tried it and had good results….and the poster is reputable….and it doesn’t involve sticking your tongue in an electrical outlet.

So, yes, you can learn from others, and from observation of what others have done and are doing. Manufacturers do this all of the time. I mean, really, you don’t think Phanteks just showed up out of nowhere with no market knowledge to own the two price points in air cooling they compete in, do you? Of course not. They saw what worked and what didn’t, tweaked what worked to make it better and never cut any corners. Func did the same thing earlier this year when they decided to have their own mouse to glide across their well-known gaming surfaces. They didn’t invent the mouse with the MS-3, they just made it a mouse that addressed the real needs of a gamer. With all of their time in the gaming industry, it is pretty obvious that they are going to know more than a thing or two about what really works. Now they are bringing it into hardware.
 Func KB-460 Cherry MX Backlit Gaming Keyboard Review @ HiTech Legion