FileCrypt 1.0 Rev2

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FileCrypt is a free, small, portable and easy to use file encryption program.

FileCrypt is a free, small, portable and easy to use file encryption program.That short description nails this program's strong points perfectly. Free, small, portable, and easy to use. You just select "Encrypt File" from the drop-down menu and then the type of encryption you want to use. These include AES 128 and 256, RC2, and TripleDES. If you don't know which to choose, then just pick one at random. Odds are no one is going to crack it. That's not to say someone can't, but the odds are strongly on your side. Once the file(s) have been selected, just click on "Start Operations.") Drag-and-drop is also supported.Your file will now be replaced in the same folder that you're working in with the same filename except for a .filecrypt on end. You will now need the password to open it. Tip: Press F10 on your keyboard while not setting a password to switch between visible and nonvisible password mode.To decrypt the file, you will need FileCrypt and select the file and choose "Decrypt File." Select the algorithm used and enter the password to unlock it.FileCrypt is an excellent choice for any skill level. Further encryption methods may also be added in the future, but it works great with the current methods.