eMule 0.24a

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eMule is a new filesharing client which is based on the eDonkey2000 network, but offers more features than the standard eDonkey client, because it's opensource but under the restrictions of the GPL License. Read More for changes and downloads.

There has been a lot going on since last release. We lost a major memeber (Merkur) and we are still struggling to keep the forums up. (Last reading showed we were using 20GB per day) Remember, this is an "a" version. If you have any major problems, return to v.23b. Here is the changelog: Unk: Friend Upload Slots can now be toggled on/off.. Dirus: Fixed a bug that prevent source sharing from working until you had at least one complete part of the file! Unk: Smart LowId check now helps you keep that HighID when disconnected. Unk: Safe connect option. (eDonkey style connect.) Unk: Resumes collecting sources on reconnect. Dirus: Fixed bug that caused column order to be loaded incorrectly. Dirus: Fixed bug that could cause crash if invalid table values were manually written to the ini. Dirus: Fixed bug that prevented source sharing packets from being compressed. Dirus: Clients with complete files can now also share sources. A source list is built from their upload queue. (An even more intelligent means of picking sources from upload queue will be included in a later version.) Get the full list by clicking here

Thanks goes out to Tec-Station.de FYI.