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BTCWareDecrypter can unlock BTCWare, a ransomware strain that first appeared in March 2017 and has spawned at least five known variants.

BTCWareDecrypter can unlock BTCWare, a ransomware strain that first appeared in March 2017 and has spawned at least five known variants.We've reviewed quite a few of Mr. Gillespie's tools here, and most of them read the same because the program is always the same, on the face. This app, however, is a bit more complicated to use, much like the ransomware it wants to unlock.While you can select a directory and decrypt like his other tools, this one has many other options for dealing with this complicated strain. The settings tab allows you to load a key, decrypt a key file or note, force RC4, force version, and of course, delete encrypted files. The tools tab includes a BruteForcer as well.BTCWareDecrypter is unable to unlock everything due to the numerous variants. In some limited cases, you need the AES key, and those cannot be BruteForced. See the enclosed readme for more on those.It should be able to unlock:(email address).nuclear(email address).btcware(email address).cryptobyte(email address).cryptowin(email address).theva(email address).onyon