Blu-ray Clearly Leading in Next-Gen DVD Sales

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According to the latest sales numbers from Nielsen VideoScan, the Blu-ray format appears to be gaining momentum
The format war between Blu-ray and HD DVD has been relatively short, ugly, and brutal. And, given all of the interest in which format will control the multi-billion dollar market for next-generation DVD sales, each format's supporters are doing all they can to ensure their camp is the chosen one.
For many, a key move in the struggle was the inclusion of a gift certificate inside boxes of Sony PlayStation3 consoles, which began selling late last year. In an early assessment of the Blu-ray/HD-DVD race I wrote in early February, I noted that the certificate could have had an unbalancing effect on the sales of Blu-ray media. According to experts cited by USA Today, gift certificates sold during the holiday season should have been cashed in in January or early February. PcMag has more.