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Thanks to Guru 3D for the Heads up!

These are modified/hacked ATI Catalyst drivers. The drivers have been optimized with two things in mind, better Image Quality and more/stable frames per second when compared to the official Catalyst drivers from ATI!

What's New

Based on the official CATALYST 4.7 release Updated the DNA-drivers High FPS install option Updated the DNA-drivers High FPS Hercules install option Updated the DNA-drivers special Counter Strike driver Added New DNA-drivers themes to the installation Updated the whole install routine. - (SoftMOD users can also choose the HighFPS and - counter-strike install options now) Added the ATI Temporal AA tool Fixed Softmod problems Added the DNA-drivers special Counter Strike 16BIT installation - people should be able to play Counter Strike in 16Bit now HERCULES 3D PROPHET 9800 XT "Classic" 256MB Celestica "Gold Edition" RADEON 9200 128MB

DNA-Drivers Guru 3D