Anti-Virus Protection in 64-bit Environments

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Considering the present status of informatics, it is not worth using a computer without running some basic security programs. The issue of security even more pronounced in the case of complex systems. The main point is that even the smallest IT system component is practically useless if you do not use some security solution. In other words: in practice, IT systems and workstations will prove equally useless without anti-virus protection. In this article we will review the current status of 64-bit anti-virus protection.

You need three basic softwares to provide IT security on your computer:

Anti-virus protection

You can find a lot of documents about IT security. We do not intend to clarify basic concepts here, nor do we want to take any position regarding this matter. We accept it as a fact that every computer user needs anti-virus protection, a firewall and an anti-spyware program.

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