321 studios help

A friend of mine just bought dvd x copy express. Legit key and all inside dvd case. 1 He does not have any internet connection,how do we register. 2 Can we install this copy on two or more computers with same key.

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35 Posts
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Joined 2004-04-14
A friend of mine just bought dvd x copy express. Legit key and all inside dvd case.

1 He does not have any internet connection,how do we register.

2 Can we install this copy on two or more computers with same key.

3 Or does he have to bring his pc over to my house and register online.

Any help would be great Thank you. :hail: Also posted this @ 321 studios forums as well.

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Responses to this topic


24 Posts
Location -
Joined 2003-03-01
It has a phone number for you to call and get codes if you have a legit copy :wink:


35 Posts
Location -
Joined 2004-04-14
Ahhh i see :wink: